Target - Do You Know Your Customer?

As consumers' expectations of brands have evolved, so too must the way in which they are approached. Branding is no longer enough - today's customer wants a great experience from start to finish with your company at every step along their journey! Customers today want to engage in meaningful ways with your brand emotionally, intellectually, and personally. Find out where you are falling short and ask how Highland Valley Digital can help you bridge the gap. Use the report to rank yourself and determine if you have gaps in your marketing strategy.


How to score your business: Self-assess each area below and determine revenue optimization opportunities for your business.



Self Assess Graphic - Website


Target – Do You Know Your Customer?

Do you know who your target customer is? Do you regularly evaluate changes in their behavior or changes in your customer landscape? Are you clear on why you want that customer and the behavior you want to drive? Do you have a clear understanding of the main criteria of your customer base?


The demographic and psychographic information below will help you optimize your strategy and allow you to target sub-sets of customers in different ways, driving predictable revenue. We can help you build out the correct customer avatars. Rate yourself on the completeness of these core data points.


Who – Your Target Core Customer Data (Demographics)

  • Age or Age Range
  • Sex
  • Income Level
  • Education
  • Home Location
  • Employment Status
  • Special Interests
  • Social Profile 
  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
  • Family Status

What – Your Knowledge of Current Behavior (Demographics)

  • Recent Purchases
  • Customer Service Calls
  • Browsing History
  • Email Opens
  • Opt-Ins
  • Ratings & Reviews
  • Brand AWliation
  • Information Sources (Web, Blogs, Podcasts, Books, Social Sites)
  • Loyalty Program Engagement


Why – Why Your Customers Want To Consider Shopping With You (Psychographics)

  • Interactive Experiences
  • Ease & Convenience
  • Innovation
  • Learning
  • Cultural & Ethical Alignment
  • Quality
  • Authenticity
  • You Solve Their Problem
  • You Make Them Feel Better
  • You Take Away Their Pain


Where: Where Do Your Customers Want To Be Engaged (Psychographics)

  • Country
  • City
  • Events
  • Channels


When: When Do Your Customers Want To Engage (Psychographics)

  • Regularly
  • Special Events
  • Seasonally
  • Occasionally
  • As Needed



How We Can Help!

We will perform a strategic analysis of your business to determine the best opportunities to advance your marketing strategy. When you consolidate disparate marketing strategies, you will optimize your budget and return on investment. Consider approaching your strategy from the POV of the customer. Evolve your strategy to be Story Dwelling. Let us help you improve your scores.